Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Best Way To Prevent Cancer And Get Healthy

It’s not unusual matter if you are asked to consume fresh fruit and vegetables to prevent cancer. Once you took those foods rich with antioxidant, you are preventing various kinds of diseases from your body.

Okay, so what’s the correlation between cancer and antioxidant? Have you got information on those two subjects? Of course you know that cancer is very dangerous, and that it may take your life away if it’s not treated well or earlier. One of the ways of preventing cancer is by taking antioxidant. Now let us see further details about antioxidant and how it’s going to make our body healthy.

Our body naturally produces chemical elements (reactive molecules) called free radicals. They can cause permanent damage to our cells. Cancer, aging, and cardiovascular disease are the causes of this damage. To protect us from these diseases, antioxidant plays a great role.

Antioxidant protects body cells from the bad impacts of free radicals, such as pollution, exhaust fumes, radiation, certain drugs, chemical exposure, and even processed food. How can you get this antioxidant then? Actually, our body has built natural methods of antioxidant in order to neutralize the free radicals. However, today’s environment is hazardous and has increased more free radicals which our body may not maintain anymore. Luckily, we have the nature to help us live longer.

Yes, the nature produces many important substances that function as good antioxidant. Food nutrients and botanicals they produce have great roles in improving body’s health. To be exact, fresh foods like fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants other than those you can get from pills. Thus, eating them will prevent you from cancer and many other diseases caused by free radicals. Talking about fresh foods, oranges, peas, and cauliflower contain a very high capacity of antioxidant.

What you might not now is that antioxidant may prevent prostate cancer, which is mostly found in men. There is a study that finds a good, protective effect in selenium. High blood levels of selenium decrease the risk of advanced prostate cancer. Thus, men who consume high levels of selenium significantly decrease prostate cancer risk. Selenium is mostly found in most plant foods and in some meats and shellfish. If you are nuts lovers, you are very lucky, as they are good sources of selenium.

So now you have gathered information about the correlation of antioxidant and cancer. Will you start a healthier lifestyle now? Yes? Great!

About the Author:

Novi White writes health articles on various publications. She has been working with doctors for their research publications. You can visit her Website at

Read more articles by: Novi White

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Breast Cancer For Beginners

Because of the social changes, which has brought increased number of workingwoman and hence delayed childbearing, there has been a steep rise in the number of breast cancer patients in the last few decades. But as the incidence of the patients has risen so has raised the modality of treatments and the success rates. Also scientists have devised methods by which the cancer can be detected in an early stage and it has been convincingly proved that early detection and treatment bears a better prognosis than the later stage.

There are many myths attached to breast cancer. Some think that any lump in breast is a breast cancer but to the contrary most of them are benign. Similarly it was a popular belief earlier that breast-feeding decreases one’s risk of the cancer but that has been now found to be untrue. Some say that mammography makes the breast cancer widespread but it’s not true. Similarly there are many other myths, which need to be cleared in mind of the general mass for the proper detection and management of the tumor.

Early detection
Breast cancer can be detected in an early stage if women are taught to self-examine their breast. In case of detection of any breast lump or of any slightest suspicion, mammography should be done to rule out any tumor. Mammography is a good tool to diagnose this type of cancer.

The incidence of breast cancer is increasing at an alarming rate. It is said that every 2-3 minutes one American woman is diagnosed a breast cancer.

Although the cause is not fully understood but it is hypothesized that there are various factors such as genetic and environmental. The environmental factors are increased age, obesity, smoking and having the first child at late age.

The findings that denote a cancer are single, non-tender and firm to hard mass with ill-defined margins. This can be later confirmed by mammography and biopsy. After the cancer has been diagnosed staging is done to find out the best treatment option as well as the prognosis.

The management of breast cancer rests basically on two things. The first is the treatment and second is the counseling. The treatment can further be divided into three: medical, radiation, and surgery. The medical treatment consists of drugs such as tamoxifen, which is an anti estrogen, aromatase inhibitors such as aminoglutethimide and monoclonal antibodies such as trastuzumab. But similar to other drugs they have their own side effects profile. The side effects associated with tamoxifen are increased vaginal bleeding, endometrial cancer and cataracts. The aromatase inhibitors have the side effects of leg cramps, jaundice and weight gain while the monoclonal antibodies may cause sterility or certain birth abnormalities.
Generally the radiation and surgery are the modalities, which are needed for the treatment to ward off the body of the cancerous growth.

This is one of the most important parts of the treatment both before and after the surgery. The patients are to be taught that this is only another disease, which has treatment available, and persons can lead a normal life after that.

Latest research
Latest research is being done on both the surgery and the medicine. For the surgery, surgeons are trying to find out the best way of surgery so that post surgery the patients have minimal disabilities. Similar medicines with lesser side effects are being researched.

About the Author:

Mansi gupta writes about breast cancer topics. Learn more at .

Read more articles by: Mansi Aggarwal

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Asbestos - No One Said It Cause Cancer!

Asbestos is well recognized as a health hazard and is highly regulated. An estimated 1.3 million employees in construction and general industry face significant asbestos exposure on the job. Heaviest exposures occur in the construction industry, particularly during the removal of asbestos during renovation or demolition.

Asbestos fibers can enter the air or water from the breakdown of natural deposits and manufactured asbestos products. Small diameter fibers and particles may remain suspended in the air for a long time and be carried long distances by wind or water before settling down.

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare disease that is strongly related to exposure to asbestos particularly occupational exposure. Mesothelioma is the most serious asbestos causing disease. Mesothelioma is a disease that is almost 100% preventable; the only known cause is via exposure to the deadly mineral Asbestos.

There isn't any cause of mesothelioma other than asbestos, and it's obvious that the major source of the substance is Kubota. According to various researches done, the odds of developing mesothelioma decreased 6.3 percent for every 10 kilometers farther from the asbestos source. Mesothelioma has a latency period of 20 to 50 years after the first exposure to asbestos.

Many employers and the manufacturers of asbestos knew about the dangers when they exposed employees to this material.

Indeed, reports Forbes magazine: "asbestos defendants are very likely now paying compensation for every occupational disease known to man. Tomorrow's epidemic: The epidemic of asbestos disease is expected to peak in the next decade. Usually, a period of 10 to 40 years or more passes before the asbestos victim exhibits the first asbestos disease symptoms.

There is a long latency period between exposure and the development of asbestos disease symptoms. Each state has its own set of deadlines, called statutes of limitation, for allowing victims of asbestos disease to file lawsuits. The victims of asbestos disease deserve to have these issues clearly and squarely addressed. Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause permanent and irreversible damage and disease to vital organs. All types of asbestos cause disease and death.

About the Author:

Mesothelioma is a rare disease that is strongly related to exposure to Asbestos. Find out about Asbestos Hazards at

Read more articles by: James C.Cameer

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How Did I Get Cancer? - Asbestos!

Exposure to asbestos usually occurs by breathing contaminated air in workplaces that make or use asbestos. Asbestos is also found in the air of buildings containing asbestos that are being torn down or renovated. Asbestos exposure can cause serious lung problems and cancer. This substance has been found in at least 83 of the 1,585 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

If inhaled by humans, asbestos fibres can cause asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma, a disease which is invariably fatal. This site discusses what asbestos is, asbestosis and other diseases caused by asbestos, pleural thickening, mesothelioma, lung Cancer, prevention, asbestos in buildings, and compensation. This form of cancer is peculiar because the only known cause is from asbestos exposure.

National Cancer Institute, found that people who live closer to ultramafic rock deposits, which typically contain asbestos, have higher risks than those farther away. That was before studies linked asbestos dust with cancer and lung disease. The delay between exposure to asbestos and the development of cancer is generally 20 or more years.

The type of cancers includes mesothelioma, asbestos lung cancer, and asbestosis. The known afflictions associated with asbestos exposure are asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma and pleural plaques. Significant long term exposure to asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma and non-malignant lung and pleural disorders.

Smoking also greatly aggravates the likelihood of lung cancer in workers exposed to asbestos (although smoking does not appear to increase the risk of mesothelioma). The asbestos fibers can cause lung cancer and other lung disease that may not appear until many years after exposure. But exposure to asbestos causes cancer and other diseases.

British asbestos workers were among the first who were observed to have lung cancer related to asbestos. Because of the recent renovation boom, home renovators are the new suffers of asbestos cancer, or mesothelioma. Scientists have developed a blood test that can predict years in advance whether someone will succumb to asbestos cancer.

About the Author:

Mesothelioma is a rare disease that is strongly related to exposure to Asbestos. Find out about Asbestos Hazards at

Read more articles by: Alfred J.James

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How To Help During Cancer Treatment

Having a family member, friend or co-worker battle against cancer is one of the hardest and worst realities in life. No one likes to help someone deal with cancer, but at some point almost all of us will have the opportunity to walk beside someone we care about through one of the most difficult times of their life: cancer treatment.

I have had the privilege (and I do mean privilege) of helping out both of my parents and one of my closest friends during their weeks and months of cancer treatments. At first I was quite intimidated and unsure of how to help in such serious and life-threatening situations. I thought because I didn't know the perfect things to do that I couldn't do anything at all. Was I wrong.

Some of the best ways to help out a friend or loved one as their undergo cancer treatment is in the most practical ways. Don't look past how helpful cleaning their bathrooms, doing their dishes, or collecting their garbage can be. It is an amazing thing to get down and dirty on behalf of someone else. Look around and simply see what needs to be done. Mow their lawn, plant some fresh flowers, or get their car cleaned on the inside and out.

Taking care of the family of the one getting cancer treatment is one of the most helpful things you can do, especially when there are children involved. Offer to take the children to school and pick them up, or invite the kids over to your house for frequent sleepovers during the cancer treatment. It will be good for the parents and good for the kids to be separated during such a hard time. Involve the kids in doing something special for their parent who is in cancer treatment. Take the kids to a boutique that allows you to paint your own pottery, for example. Help the kids make something memorable for their loved one. You can do simple things for the family of someone who is in cancer treatment like go grocery shopping, prepare meals or take their family out to special meals.

Far too often people think that helping out during a time of crisis such as cancer treatment that they have to do extraordinary things. The truth is that it is the ordinary things that need to happen long before anything else will be helpful. There is no doubt that dealing with cancer or undergoing cancer treatment is extremely hard. But the support and help of friends and families can make even the worst things in life better.

About the Author:

Martin Stoleman has had practice helping out during cancer treatment, and he believes that doing the common things help the most. See more at

Read more articles by: Martin Stoleman

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A Little About Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer affects an estimated one out of every six males. Therefore it's understandable that most men want to know at least something about prostate cancer, especially as they are approaching their 40s. This article is going to touch on some of the symptoms and treatments, as well as some of the side effects that come from prostate cancer and prostate cancer treatment. This article is not intended to be a substitution for your doctor's advice, so make sure that you seek a professional opinion if you feel that you may have prostate cancer.

One thing that's important to note is that you may not suffer any symptoms at all. That is why it's very important to be checked for prostate cancer frequently, and especially more so as you get older because they can find the prostate cancer before any symptoms show up at all in most cases. Some men that have prostate cancer may experience some of the following symptoms. Frequent or difficult urination, as well as a weak urine flow, erectile dysfunction as well as painful ejaculation and blood in the urine or semen.

There are many different treatment options for prostate cancer and you will want to discuss these with your doctor or healthcare professional before any decision is made. A few of the choices are active surveillance, radiation or hormone therapy, chemotherapy or surgery. There are also other choices and as I said before you should discuss these with your doctor.

One of the best things that you can do for your prostate is to make sure you take care of it in the first place. This may reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Just knowing some simple things such as taking vitamin E, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and being informed about eating fats and red meat can reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

About the Author:

Steve writes informative articles and is the webmaster at prosate cancer and abestosis
Read more articles by: Steve Miers
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What Is Lung Cancer And Who Can Get It?

Abnormal cell growth in either one or both of the lungs is the simple answer to the question, “What is lung cancer?” In healthy individuals, the cells within the lungs go about their business duplicating at a normal rate and turning into more and more lung tissues. The lungs continue to function properly and all is well.

But in damaged lungs, this rate of cell duplication becomes uncharacteristically fast yet new lung tissue fails to develop. These damaged (cancerous) cells begin to clump together and ultimately turn into cancerous tumors. Eventually, the tumors begin to interfere with the impacted lung’s ability to function normally and that is when the full impact of the disease known as lung cancer begins to be noticed.

Interestingly, although it usually takes many years for lung cancer to develop, the cells begin to take on abnormal characteristics almost immediately upon being exposed to cigarette smoke or the other environmental contaminants that can cause trouble in the lungs such as radon, asbestos, coal, air pollution, and even second-hand smoke.

Lung cancer can strike anyone regardless of gender, age or race. Even though it is more likely to strike those who are or who have been a smoker, lung cancer can develop in those who have never taken up this habit. Lung cancer in non-smokers is very rare, occurring in only about 10% of the cases, meaning that in almost 90% of the lung cancer cases, cigarette smoking is the instigator. Why is that so?

The primary purpose of the lungs is to breathe in air. The lungs remove the oxygen from this air and push it out into the blood where it can travel around the body as needed. Because the air we breathe is not always pure – it’s filled with dust, dirt, and other types of pollutants – the upper part of the lung system was designed to clean it before allowing it to enter deeper into the lungs. In the case of smokers, the carcinogens in cigarette smoke can break down the lung’s cleansing capabilities and as a result, dirty air and the contaminants within cigarette smoke continue to freely enter into the lungs. It is the absence of this cleansing capability that ultimately causes the cells inside the lungs to function abnormally.

Besides being the #1 cause of cancer death in the United States, lung cancer is unfortunately so far a disease that has no cure. In fact, by the time lung cancer is discovered, few people will survive the first year after diagnosis.

Small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer are the two types of lung cancer that can develop. Eighty percent of the lung cancer cases are the slower-moving non-small cell type. The problem with this type of lung cancer is that it often spreads to other parts of the body. Sophisticated lung scans are generally the way most tumors are detected, but unfortunately, such scans are not part of routine medical care. That’s probably why most lung cancer goes undiagnosed for so long.

About the Author:

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for To learn more about lung cancer treatments and what is lung cancer, visit our site.

Read more articles by: Gray Rollins

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Lifestyle And Cancer

New reviews and research suggest that excess weight coupled with poor diet is the main cause of cancer. Almost 1/3rd of eight odd million cancer deaths a year around the world are as a result of lifestyle and environmental factors. Good habits may not rectify bad genes but they can counter their effects.

The main risk factors that account for more than 35% of cancer deaths are Smoking, no physical activity, alcohol, diets void of fruits and vegetables, obesity, alcohol, pollution, unsafe sex and reused needles.

Smoking, alcohol abuse and diet that contains too few or no fruits and vegetables are the front running and controllable risks for about a dozen kinds of cancers.

The rate of cancer deaths is more in developed countries despite having lesser population. The reasons for this are attributed to use of alcohol in abundance, smoking and obesity, mostly male issues. Females are nevertheless not far behind, and are catching up.

Smoking is known to cause lung cancer for donkey’s ears. Despite the statutory warnings on the packs, people at large seem to carry on with the habit, being fully aware of the consequences. Changing their lifestyle to reduce risk is a very important decision they should make especially when the perspective turns to their family and their support. Losing that excess weight and a little exercise can keep cancer at bay. Moreover, this can greatly help in fighting other diseases and improves the quality of life. Obesity has also been associated with depression for a long time. Developing a positive attitude will greatly benefit a person physically and psychologically. Beer and wine have proven to help protect the heart in moderate quantities but no proven benefits are observed against cancer. But, where does the need to protect the heart arise from, once you have that positive attitude and take things as they come one at a time, there is not reason why alcohol consumption on a regular basis cannot be avoided.

Changing your lifestyle, considering the above suggestions would go a great way in reducing the risk of cancer. Why suffer knowingly? The symptoms become evident much before the disease itself. Make sure you take the right steps in the positive direction.

About the Author:

Cancer research is a continuous ongoing process, please keep yourself upto date.

Read more articles by: Pat Murphy

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Skin Cancer

Whenever we hear the word ‘cancer’ we are apt to panic. The term itself has become an umbrella for many different forms of the disease including skin cancer.

Skin cancer is a form of caner that affects the skin. There are several different types of skin cancer and some forms are more dangerous than others.

The two most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Both of these types of skin cancer can be serious in terms of changing the appearance of the skin affected, but they are not likely to spread to any surrounding tissue in the body.

Another type of skin cancer that is considered more serious is malignant melanoma. In terms of occurrence, this type of skin cancer is rarer than the others. However when it does occur early treatment is mandatory to ensure the greatest chance of survival.

Skin cancer has become much more common in recent years. This is mainly due to the fact that medical research has indicated that exposure to the damaging rays of the sun can increase a person’s chances of getting the disease, considerably.

Before the advent of all of the sun screens that offer UV protection, many people would sit in the sun for hours. Sun bathing was very popular and people would sit exposed to the sun rays oblivious to the fact that they might be setting themselves up for a case of skin cancer later in life.

Research now suggests that each time a person receives sunburn or even a dark suntan they are increasing their risk of developing skin cancer by 50%. This is troubling to people who enjoyed basking in the sun when they were young.

There are some things that a person can do to treat skin cancer early. One is to be aware of any and all markings on your body. This means regularly checking your skin, including your back, for any new growths or changes in moles. If you notice any ulcers on the skin that do not heal or any discoloration of the skin it’s wise to seek out a professional opinion.

In the case of basal cell carcinoma, the skin cancer will appear as a raised bump on the skin. Although not reddish in color, in some cases you will be able to see blood vessels within the growth. If you are suffering from squamous cell carcinoma than the growth will be reddish in color; it may also be in the form of an ulcer which doesn’t heal.

The most serious form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma, has a brownish or black color to them. Quite often they appear and you might consider it to be a new mole. It’s important to realize that new moles do not grow on adults and if you notice a new growth that is dark in color it is most likely skin cancer.

Another indication that you have this most serious form of skin cancer is that an existing mole has changed. The shape of color of it may be different and in this case it’s important that you seek out medical treatment as soon as possible.

The minor forms of skin cancer normally require treatment by surgery. The affected area is removed during a surgical procedure. If you have a minor skin cancer your oncologist will explain the procedures and the risks involved to you.

If the skin cancer has gone untreated or you are suffering from malignant melanoma, the treatment is significantly different. Skin cancer in this situation may have spread to surrounding organs or into the lymphatic system.

Your oncologist is the person who is best qualified to explain and discuss all treatment options with you.

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Skin Resources and Information around it

Read more articles by: Claire Quaty

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Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer in the general population. However, in individuals that were exposed to asbestos, it is not as rare. There are experts that have speculated on other causes. There are incidences of Mesothelioma with no known asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is not a lung cancer. Smoking does not cause it. It is a cancer of the mesothelial cells.

Causes of Mesothelioma
The only known, established cause of Mesothelioma is asbestos. The asbestos fibers are breathed in, travel through the lung and become lodged in the pleura, the thin, saran wrap-type membrane that lines that encases the lung. The pleura, produces a special lubricating fluid that facilitates the ability of the lungs to move inside the chest during breathing. The process of irritation from the infiltration of the asbestos fibers creates changes in the cells, which causes the Mesothelioma. This is known as pleural Mesothelioma. Less common is peritoneal Mesothelioma, which is a cancer of the membrane that encompasses the lining of the abdomen.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma
An individual with Mesothelioma experiences chest pain usually caused by a build-up of fluid in the pleural space called an effusion and shortness of breath. Since many doctors may not have expertise in the area of asbestos-related diseases, these symptoms are often believed, at first, to be attributable to other medical problems. A biopsy of the pleural tissue or fluid may reveal the cancer of the mesothelial cells and a proper diagnosis can thus be established. A history of the individual’s occupational exposure shall be taken. Since there is no “safe” level of exposure to asbestos, even brief, low level exposures may be enough to cause Mesothelioma.

Occurrence of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer and its incidence is actually increasing day by day. There is presently no known cure for Mesothelioma. As the disease progresses, the cancerous cells harden the pleura and spread. As time passes, breathing, sleeping and eating become more difficult and eventually it becomes increasingly more challenging for the victim to engage in normal activities and enjoy life.

Treatments of Mesothelioma
A number of treatments have been established to help contain the spread of the disease and reduce the pain associated with it. Chemotherapy, radiation and radical surgery to remove the lung and pleura are among the options that have been explored by the treating physician.

Prevention is better than Cure
Mesothelioma is a preventable disease. Many of the corporations that manufacture and make profit from the sale of asbestos-containing products are aware of the hazards of asbestos. Alternative fibers are available that could be used instead of asbestos. But asbestos is cheap, and available, and is a good filler and binder.

To Sum up
The varied and non-specific symptoms associated with Mesothelioma, can delay detection and diagnosis The cancer has a very long latency period, which means that it could be thirty years or more before the person even realizes that they have contracted the cancer .The onset of symptoms can take up to fifty years or more in some cases, but once the symptoms have manifested the lifespan of the person can be as short as several months. So, if you or a loved one is experiencing any of the above symptoms, consult your doctor right away. Make sure that your physician is aware of any previous asbestos exposure, and occupational risk factors.

About the Author:

Rob Mellor owns the free to use website helping people find out more about mesothelioma. Please visit the site for more information on mesothelioma cancer

Read more articles by: Rob Mellor

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Cancer: Are You A Believer?

First, we must settle one of two issues before you continue reading this article. The first issue is straight forward, a "direct-punch-to-the-nose" kind of a question:

Do you believe cancer is "beatable?"

I don't mean, "Sometime in the future..."

I think everyone believes "some day", "somewhere", "someone" will discover the cure. Nor do I mean anything like, "Is cancer treatable where people temporarily overcome the disease through the burning of radiation, the surgeon's knife or the necessarily toxic effects of chemotherapy?"

That we all know is possible....

No, my question is far more specific:

In your opinion, is Cancer... Curable...Stoppable ...Conquerable... Whatever synonym you supply, the question remains...Is it or isn't it defeatable?

Yes or no. Can we whip this thing?

...Because if, in your heart of hearts, you believe Cancer is NOT 'defeatable'... there's no sense in continuing this letter.

However, if you're like me, you believe it's certainly defeatable. Now the only question that remains:

Is Cancer NOW facing REAL defeat?

Since we all have a healthy fear of being "sold" the next bottle of snake oil, we need to establish that the claims being made are credible and reliable. Incidentally, I am NOT selling you anything in this letter. I believe you should consider a product or two...but not here.

So, let's deal with cancer:

" According to the American Cancer Society, "cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. If the spread is not controlled, it can result in death."
" Cancers tend to metastasize (spread) over time, causing destruction of healthy tissue and damage to bodily functions...
" If left unchecked, cancers can cause death. However, even the treatments for cancer can be destructive to healthy tissues and can do severe damage to bodily functions (side effects)...
" Over the past 100 years, cancers have grown into epidemic proportions without any scientific explanation for the sudden surge in their appearance. Remember, cancer was once comparatively RARE.
" BUT, scientists have now concluded cancer is fundamentally a breakdown of the immune system. As the immune system goes, so goes the cancer. That fact is the new approach ...and it has a whole world of scientific evidence behind it.

Consider carefully:

Changing Cancer Cells' Surface Sugars Can Inhibit Tumor Growth

"According to the research of scientists, as published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, altering the sugar coats of cancer cells can control cancer."
( published in the Scientific American, Jan. 22, 2002)

In other words, "sugar" is a BIG issue in the medical, alternative, and complementary health world. The words "Glycomics" and "Glyconutrition" have sprung up in the vocabulary of health authorities around the world. (Glyco is the Greek word for "sugar."). These sciences refer to the study of biological sugars. What makes these "sugars" so important is among the over 200 known sugars around the world, there are 8 sugars which medical research has isolated as VITAL to human immune system functioning.

The 1999 Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to Dr. Gunter Blobel for his work in the science of Glycobiology. Out of the last eight Nobel Prizes awarded in medicine, four Nobel Prizes have been awarded for discoveries made in ONE field…Glycobiology. This is the field that affects CANCER directly. Why? Because, 8 sugars have been isolated that strengthen the immune system and cell communication. Human life cannot be supported without them.

The field is glyconutrition. Glyconutrients are NOT vitamins, amino acids or minerals. Scientifically, glyconutrients are a class all by themselves. The field is revolutionizing the medical world. For the first time in a long time, many authorities in both the conventional medical world and those of the alternative world are in agreement. Powerful glyconutrients have already been included in the Physicians Desk Reference (post 2002), the "Bible" of physicians everywhere throughout the country.
Why? Consider…

Four Ways Glyconutrients Fight Cancers*

1. Macrophage and Immune killer cells are stimulated by glyconutritional supplementation to destroy malignancies.
2. Glyconutrional research shows that glyconutrients increase the production of substances in the body that target cancer cells for destruction, such as interferon.
3. Glyconutrients activate T-cells to recognize and destroy invasive and abnormal cells.
4. Glyconutrients help regulate the process of apoptosis- the natural "dying off" process in cellular systems.

If these processes are restrained - due to a variety of factors such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, poor glyconutritional dietary habits, etc., the body will fail to prevent the onset of cancer.
(Cited in Miracle Sugars, Rita Elkins, M.H., Woodland Publishing, p. 29)

Note How the Scientific World is Successfully Combating Cancer with the New Discoveries in Glycoscience

The revolutionary "glyconutrition" discoveries found over the past decade have stunned the scientific world. If that sounds "more hype than hope" you might want to take just a few moments to consider just a few developments:

In 1985, an issue of Cancer Research reported the formation of cancer cells in the colon and in the stomach was directly and UNMISTAKENLY related to the absence of glyconutrition or the presence of deformed sugar molecules. Since then, scientists at the University of South Florida believe confirmation of the glyconutritional linkage to cancer inhibition and its spread is profound. For example, according to the 1997 issue of Anticancer Research science periodical, glyconutrition decreases the number of liver tumors.

In addition, "Dr. Ronald Klatz reported in the now incredibly famous medical research study nicknamed "Norman's Rats", 40% of the animals that had no defense whatsoever against cancer and were injected with just ONE of the eight essential glyconutritionals, showed "tumor regression and complete recovery."

- Advances in Anti-Aging Medicine, Vol. 1, 1996 by Dr. Ronald Klatz.
Obviously, YOU and I must find out about Glyconutrition…for the sake of our health and for those we love. It is for that reason, and that reason alone, I have written this open letter…

About the Author:

Dr. Robert Gamble is retired from a very successful Cardio-Thoracic surgical career spanning three decades. He is now active in researching medical issues such as glyconutrition and offers his insights for public benefit. Glyconutrition: This new science is sending shockwaves through the entire medical industry and may be the missing link between health and disease. For information and business opportunity or call toll free1-866-735-5871.

Read more articles by: Dr Robert Gamble
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Should We Treat Cancer Or Prevent Cancer?

Cancer is one of the biggest killers around the world. In America alone, 25% of all deaths are related to cancer.

Many people think of cancer as a single problem but in fact, it is a number of problems spread throughout the body. Generally speaking, if cancer is caught in the early stages of development, it can be treated and cured.

Although there are several different types of cancer, the most common ones are Lung, Prostate, Breast, Testicular, Skin and Colon cancers.

Genes control the multiplication and growth of cells. If these genes are defective in the first place, then the cells will not be able to grow or divide properly. As a result of this abnormality, cancerous cells are born.

There are a number of factors which cause cancer. Factors which are controllable by humans are smoking, toxic elements and radiation. These can be controlled to some degree and therefore it would be wise to avoid them by changing lifestyle habits. However, there are certain elements which are outside our control.
These include mutation and inherited DNA.

As a result of studies conducted by the American Cancer Society, more than 180,000 people have died as a direct result of smoking. Another 200,000 people have died due to lack of changing lifestyle habits. Obesity, laziness and malnutrition can have an effect on the growth of cancer. Needless to say, cancer has risen by more than 50% since 1995.

Let's take a look at some of these cancer causes in more detail.

Smoking: The most prevalent and easily avoidable type of cancer is the one caused by the use of tobacco. This includes the use of cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Even though smokers are addicted to nicotine, the fact that 200,000 people die every year due to smoking caused cancer should be enough motivation to quit. Some experts say that cessation of smoking can increase lifespan by up to 20 years.

Although nothing has been proven, studies indicate that stress may also be a contributing factor to cancer. Many cancer patients are also employed in stressful jobs. Some theologians believe that stress lowers the bodies immunity to cancer.

Exercise and Healthy Eating: Healthy eating and exercise is universally known to be beneficial in many aspects. But, many people don't know that food full of nutrition can reduce the risk of cancer. Specific foods such as fruit and veg can help prevent cancer whilst fatty foods such as meat can increase the likelihood of cancer.

Skin cancer can easily be avoided by simply listening to good advice. Wear sunglasses, hats, sun cream and other sensible items of clothing to avoid the onset of this type of cancer. Although this may seem like common sense, more than one million people have been diagnosed with skin cancer in a single year.

In summary, some cancers can be avoided. New research and studies are being conducted all the time. So, rather than concentrating on how to treat cancer patients, maybe we should all be looking for more ways to prevent the cancer in the first place.

About the Author:
Read more about all types of cancer at
Read more articles by: Troy Winters
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Should We Treat Cancer Or Prevent Cancer?

Cancer is one of the biggest killers around the world. In America alone, 25% of all deaths are related to cancer.

Many people think of cancer as a single problem but in fact, it is a number of problems spread throughout the body. Generally speaking, if cancer is caught in the early stages of development, it can be treated and cured.

Although there are several different types of cancer, the most common ones are Lung, Prostate, Breast, Testicular, Skin and Colon cancers.

Genes control the multiplication and growth of cells. If these genes are defective in the first place, then the cells will not be able to grow or divide properly. As a result of this abnormality, cancerous cells are born.

There are a number of factors which cause cancer. Factors which are controllable by humans are smoking, toxic elements and radiation. These can be controlled to some degree and therefore it would be wise to avoid them by changing lifestyle habits. However, there are certain elements which are outside our control.
These include mutation and inherited DNA.

As a result of studies conducted by the American Cancer Society, more than 180,000 people have died as a direct result of smoking. Another 200,000 people have died due to lack of changing lifestyle habits. Obesity, laziness and malnutrition can have an effect on the growth of cancer. Needless to say, cancer has risen by more than 50% since 1995.

Let's take a look at some of these cancer causes in more detail.

Smoking: The most prevalent and easily avoidable type of cancer is the one caused by the use of tobacco. This includes the use of cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Even though smokers are addicted to nicotine, the fact that 200,000 people die every year due to smoking caused cancer should be enough motivation to quit. Some experts say that cessation of smoking can increase lifespan by up to 20 years.

Although nothing has been proven, studies indicate that stress may also be a contributing factor to cancer. Many cancer patients are also employed in stressful jobs. Some theologians believe that stress lowers the bodies immunity to cancer.

Exercise and Healthy Eating: Healthy eating and exercise is universally known to be beneficial in many aspects. But, many people don't know that food full of nutrition can reduce the risk of cancer. Specific foods such as fruit and veg can help prevent cancer whilst fatty foods such as meat can increase the likelihood of cancer.

Skin cancer can easily be avoided by simply listening to good advice. Wear sunglasses, hats, sun cream and other sensible items of clothing to avoid the onset of this type of cancer. Although this may seem like common sense, more than one million people have been diagnosed with skin cancer in a single year.

In summary, some cancers can be avoided. New research and studies are being conducted all the time. So, rather than concentrating on how to treat cancer patients, maybe we should all be looking for more ways to prevent the cancer in the first place.

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Read more articles by: Troy Winters
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What You Need To Know About Lung Cancer.

By: Michael Sanford

Cancer is a disease in which certain body cells don’t function right, divide very fast and produce too much tissue that forms a tumor. A leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women is probably lung cancer. This is the number one cause of cancer deaths surpassing breast cancer as the leading cause of deaths in women. Cancers that begin in the lungs are divided into two major types, the non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer depending on how the cells look under a microscope.

Cigarette smoking is known to be a cause of lung cancer. The risk of developing the disease increases with the number of cigarettes smoked particularly if the person starts to smoke at a young age. The person’s risk of developing lung cancer may be reduced slightly if you smoke filtered and low tar cigarettes, but it is still far greater than that of a non-smoker. Lung cancer has always been more common in men, particularly those over the age of 40, as more men used to smoke than women. Considerably, there are a growing number of women having lung cancer since women have started smoking. About 90% of all lung cancer deaths among women are from smoking. The risk of lung cancer goes down quite quickly if the person stops smoking and after about fifteen years, the person’s chances of developing the disease are similar to that of a non-smoker. Passive smoking or the breathing in other people’s cigarette smoke, slightly increases the risk for lung disease and lung cancer, although the risk is still much less that if you smoke yourself.

Usually, the symptoms of lung cancer do not appear until the disease is in an advanced stage. Some are diagnosed early because they are found as a result of tests for other medical conditions. Screening examinations are done to detect a disease in people without symptoms of the disease. And since lung cancer usually spreads beyond the lungs before causing any symptoms, an effective screening program to detect the cancer early could save many lives. So far there is not screening test that has been shown to prevent the ill person from dying of the cancer. It has been concluded that the tests could not find many lung cancers early enough to improve a person’s chances for a cure. Because of this, lung cancer screening is not a routine practice for the general public or even for people at increased risk like smokers.

Symptoms of lung cancer could be continuing cough or change in a long-standing cough; a chest infection that does not get better; increasing breathlessness; coughing up blood-stained phlegm; a dull ache or a sharp pain when coughing or taking a deep breath; and loss of appetite and loss of weight. If you think you are having any of these above stated symptoms, then it is important to have your condition checked by your doctor even if you know that any of these symptoms may be caused by illness other than cancer.

Treatment for lung cancer could be through surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy which may be used separately or together depending on what your physician requires you to undergo with. Basically, the doctor will plan your treatment, taking into account your general health condition, the type of lung cancer you have and the size of the tumor as well as its stage. There are differences in the treatment for different people depending on their needs. You should not be afraid to ask your doctor and it often helps making a lot of queries about the disease and your condition from your doctor.

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For more information about lung cancer please goto

Read more articles by: Michael Sanford
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